Minimum skills

The WFTDA (Womens Flat Track Derby Association) has set a list of skills that a new skater (fresh meat) needs to acquire before she is allowed to take part in WFTDA sanctioned bouts (games). We are not yet part of the WFTDA, but we are working towards that and do listen to their guidelines. Here is their list of "minimum skills":

1. Basic skating skills:
1.1 Skating posture (derby position)
1.2 Stride (using both feet to push)
1.3 Crossovers
1.4 Speed and indurance (25 laps within five mins)
1.5 Stops (T-stop and plow stop)
1.6 Other skills (gliding on one foot, sticky skating)

2. Falls:
2.1 Single knee falls (and getting up in 2 secs without hands)
2.2 Double knee falls (and getting up in 2 secs without hands)
2.3 Baseball slide (return to active scating in 3 secs) 
2.4 180 Degree turn single knee fall (return to active skating in 2 secs) Never tried
2.5 Four point fall (or the Prostitute or the Superman) (return to active skating in 2 secs)

3. Balance/Agility:
3.1 Stepping from a standstill (side to side and back and forwards)
3.2 Squatting (min 90 degree squat in the knee and still propelling yourself)
3.3 Hopping (3 inches high at moderate pace both feet at once and hopping from one foot to the other whileskating forwards)
3.4 Focus (looking in any direction unexpectedly while still striding) 
3.5 Weaving (slalom)

4. Skating with others:
4.1 Whips (giving/recieving hip-, in- and outside whips)
4.2 Pushes 
4.3 Pacing (adjusting your own speed to that of the pack)
4.4 Weaving around moving obstacles
4.5 Unexpected obstacles (avoiding fallen players)
4.6 Leaning (into others while skating)
4.7 Bumping (into eachother and maintaining balance)

5. Blocking:
5.1 Taking hits (responds safely without flailing, if falling, falls small)
5.2 Positional blocking
5.3 Checks (hips, shoulders both sides)

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