Aug 26, 2012

Progress video!

So two weeks ago Badass filmed me at my first training with the fresh meat. Well, it was just before the training so the progress you see in this vid compared to the previous one is only due to normal rehabilitation exercise (no skating) and this floor being quite a lot less grippy than the one in the previous vid.

So that was two weeks ago. I could glide a bit on each leg, but couldn't adjust my direction at all whilst gliding on my left foot (which used to be my strongest). The neurological damage in that leg has been there since February while the right leg didn't get damaged until late April. So it will take longer to heal and it now results in the control in that leg being much worse than it was before.

Do you remember being a freshmeat and gliding on one foot, trying to make the corner, but your skate just having a mind of it's own? That's what it felt like. I couldn't get any movement in my foot to adjust the weight on the skate to make it turn.

Today however, I suddenly could do it! Ok, not as tight a corner as on my right foot, but I could feel the pressure under my foot adjusting against the sole of my boot to adjust the direction and I had relatively good control over it. Yay!

In skating backwards I even managed some cross overs. My legs just remembered the motions and I did it! That feeling is so amazing after an injury like mine. Because that feeling is exactly what you start to distrust. The feeling of knowing how to do something, feeling that your brain is giving off the impulses to your muscles to do it, but your legs (as if they aren't your own) just wont do it. But now they did! And then getting the sensory input in your brain saying "yep, all is under control, doing what you want them to do *thumbs up*" is like a drug. It makes me want to do it again and again and again. Look Mom! I'm doing it! Well, I do actually sometimes scream out to the others: "look look look!" And then I look overly happy like a child on christmas morning.

Aug 21, 2012

Endorphines, contagious?

Sometimes, like tonight, I wonder if endorphin highs are contagious. Tonight I led an amazing training. The intensity was high, the girls were focussed and improving by the minute and by the end ready to never get up again and drenched in sweat. Everything just worked. The chemistry clicked for everyone.

So why did I leave on a high? I didn't physically do anything more than stand in the middle, talk, sometimes scream and take on derby stance a few times. Well, ok, I jammed on shoes a few times, but not in an actual jam, just in a drill to help out. Just some pushing into a wall of strong women. Didn't even sweat. Well.. didn't get wet of my own sweat at least.

I wonder what brain substance I'm high on.. <3<3<3

Aug 8, 2012

So proud of my girls

Yes, MY girls. Oh and guy. Pappa Smurf was there last night and he worked just as hard as any of the girls!

We set goals for the team, both social goals, tactical goals and fitness goals. Last night was the first fitness training of the season so it was time to measure the start values for the fitness goals. To give the girls an endorphin kick I decided to after those tests keep going at high intensity and make them puke.

You know it's getting good when some of the better trained girls start dripping sweat from their noses into a nice little pool while in a plank or another girl sounds like she is about to cry, but keeps going, or when you can make Badass so angry she loves you: "why are YOU doing back raises, you DON'T have shoulder problems! YOU do the push-ups, NOW!"

I more than overshot my personal goals for the session:

1. get their start values registered in an adequate way (thank you Kaiser Geuze, our head NSO).
2. push the skaters to aim for high start values.
3. instill one of my basic principals in all the skaters: never quit, slow down if you have to, but never quit.
4. let the skaters go home feeling proud of themselves (and possibly each other).
5. let the skaters that aren't so training minded experience in what way high intensity training can be nice.

By the time I got home I was being drowned in messages of love and enthusiasm. What I loved most was that I got to see everybody push themselves. Nobody gave up. There are always lazy skaters in any league, but last night none of the girls were lazy. They all worked their pretty asses off! Well done girls!

Thank you LuleƄ Roller Derby, I love you!

Aug 6, 2012

Back to freshmeat

A month ago I wasn't sure I would be able to start skating again, and I haven't tried since then, but in many other activities I can feel that the control and teamwork in my leg muscles (synergy) has improved.  A little over a month ago, I looked like this:

Now I don't know if you've seen me skate before jan '12 but I was doing pretty alright for someone who had just skated one year. Fluid movements, backwards crossovers, pirouettes, jumps it was all fine and I looked and felt confident.

Now that Badass is fresh meat coach I have my hands free to focus on my own progress and try to partake in the fresh meat program. Not sure what I'll do with the fall practices. The surgeon said everything is safe from about now (three months after spine surgery). I'm curious to see if I will pass the minimum skills test just before Christmas. As it is I can't even get up from the floor within three secs without skates, haha!

Aug 5, 2012

The birth of a coach?

A year ago I became the one responsible for training at LuleƄ Roller Derby. My qualifications? Not much:
  • Knowledge gathered during a then half completed physiotherapy degree (now almost done). Aside from all the anatomy in relation to movement there was also a PT like course and some motivational courses. 
  • A certificate that (in Holland) allowed me to teach sports in primary school + plus some experience of "illegally" teaching sports in high school.  
  • 6 months (!?) of derby practice.
  • I was willing (and driven) to take the responsibility.
If I'm being honest, it was probably mostly the last point that landed me the position and I have to admit that that willingness has been tried during that first season. I had to catch up fast on how to coach and motivate a group of alpha ladies. Now I know better... it's not ME that is supposed to motivate them. But it took me a full year before I learnt that highly valuable lesson. And now that I've learnt it, I will have to find a way to balance it into my coaching style for the next season. 

Coaching style you say? Oh yes. There are many philosophies out there. Most of them directed at coaching major league football teams in the states. But you know, some of the main principles still apply. Autocratic vs democratic, selling vs sharing etc. And from the jungle of wishy-washies vs straight-shooters I pick the things I like. Not because they suit my personality, but because they will most likely resonate well with the players on our team.

I have made so many mistakes during my first year of being trainer, but luckily I have learnt a lot from them. I will surely make many more mistakes this coming season, but hopefully they will be new mistakes and I'm looking forward to learning from them.