Do you remember being a freshmeat and gliding on one foot, trying to make the corner, but your skate just having a mind of it's own? That's what it felt like. I couldn't get any movement in my foot to adjust the weight on the skate to make it turn.
Today however, I suddenly could do it! Ok, not as tight a corner as on my right foot, but I could feel the pressure under my foot adjusting against the sole of my boot to adjust the direction and I had relatively good control over it. Yay!
In skating backwards I even managed some cross overs. My legs just remembered the motions and I did it! That feeling is so amazing after an injury like mine. Because that feeling is exactly what you start to distrust. The feeling of knowing how to do something, feeling that your brain is giving off the impulses to your muscles to do it, but your legs (as if they aren't your own) just wont do it. But now they did! And then getting the sensory input in your brain saying "yep, all is under control, doing what you want them to do *thumbs up*" is like a drug. It makes me want to do it again and again and again. Look Mom! I'm doing it! Well, I do actually sometimes scream out to the others: "look look look!" And then I look overly happy like a child on christmas morning.