I am an ex-skater who is now focusing on training and coaching Luleå Roller Derby.
I am originally a teacher who specialized in youth (14 - 16 years old) with heavy behavioral difficulties. During the period in which I got my education for that I also qualified for a certificate that allowed me to teach physical education in primary schools (without that certificate you need a Phys Ed bachelor's to teach Phys Ed in Holland, my home country).
When I moved to Sweden I decided to change my profession and went back to school. If all goes to plan, I will be receiving my bachelors for physiotherapy in January '13. I am now in the process of preparing a questionnaire to be sent out by the end of this month to collect data for my study on how to improve the safety of training and playing flat track roller derby.
Part of the physiotherapy education is courses on nutrition, personal training, setting goals and of course prevention of injuries. These are subjects I love to talk about with a personal preference and love for prevention.
In January '12 I started suffering from a herniated disc which in most cases doesn't have to give any problems for skating, but mine gave some serious complications. By the end of April I had developed Cauda Equina syndrome which is a group of symptoms that are telltale signs for a spinal injury in the lower back. It is cause for acute major spine surgery. The surgery was very successful. Most patients will have lifelong problems with walking and will need a walking aid. So far it has been going really well for me. I can walk without limping and since the beginning of August I can keep my balance on a pair of skates again. I am no where near playing a bout though! But one day I will get there.
I am always interested in sharing knowledge. I think it's important that leagues that have been around a bit longer share their knowledge and experience with the newer leagues so that the overall level of derby in Sweden and Europe can rise.
My life outside of derby and school?
I have a wonderful family! An 11 year old daughter who horse rides and is soon starting figure skating and a wonderful fiancé who is training to be a ref but is also way too much into computers. But I can't complain (too much) since that's how we met.... in World of Warcraft, haha!
We live in Luleå which I think is absolutely gorgeous! I love it here, even though the summers are a tad short and not really as warm as I'd like them to be. In Holland I lived in The Hague. A big coastal city that kinda reminds me of Malmö. The smell, the architecture, the city planning. But Malmö is prettier and a lot cleaner. I miss the coast. "But we have a coast here!" is what many people from Luleå will exclaim. It always makes me laugh a bit on the inside... this is not a coast. It is the edge to a big body of sweet water with no tides or waves. It's not a coast. Well.. I guess officially it is, but it's nowhere near the coast to a salty ocean or sea. ;)
I love being outdoors, but since the history with my back being outdoors has become more difficult. I can't walk long distances (yet). I can bike, but when biking I like taking a break halfway and soak up the surroundings, but at the moment it's difficult for me to sit on the ground for a longer period of time. For the same reason I have been to the beach only three times this last summer. And since I love coasts, you may assume that I love beaches too! One of my goals is to be able to be outdoors as much as I like next spring and summer and I am very much looking forward to it!
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