Feb 25, 2011

Minimum skills updated

The WFTDA has set up a text that discusses minimum skills that a rollergirl must posess before she is allowed to participate in a WFTDA bout. I think most of the stuff on that list is very good so I've taken a version of it and posted it here as an updatable file (see "Minimum skills" to the right).

When you train for something you want to be able to measure the results to make sure your training is actually helping you progress in the direction you want to go. And since we don't really have enough bouts yet (and during bouts your result is of course also depending on the other players), I decided to have this checklist of minimum skills which I can adjust as I go.

So this list is mostly for myself to keep track of my fresh meat skills, but I figured it might be interesting to some of you to see what minimum skills are involved.

Derby kisses,

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