Mar 22, 2011


With my knowledge of what fitness is, how to train it up, how not to train it and how to maintain it, I really have no excuse to be as unfit as I am. At the start of winter I was pretty fit. Not over doing it or anything but I was able to run about 7k straight while weighing about a 100 kg (yes weight matters, if you weigh 70 kg, try and run with a 30 kg backpack). Last summer I could barely run for one minute so I was pretty happy with those results. Then the snow came and I moved indoors, which went fine for a while but right around christmas (strange how that holiday always tends to effect fitness *grin*) I gave up. I hate running at a gym! I hate the feeling of people watching me in there. All those super fit people.

So, now the snow is melting and soon the ashfalts will lay bare, ready for me to run on them. I'm dreading the first week as I'm sure the results will be highly dissapointing. But I really have to. I want my skating to feel as effortless as it apearantly looks to some. In stead of it leaving me writhing on the ground hoping to die soon.

I should also order some outdoor wheels now, so I can alternate running with skating days (different pulse) once the city has cleaned up all the gravel after winter.

Do you have any spring work out plans?

Derby kisses,


  1. well now that I've lost the kilos from the pregnancy and starting to be able to actually take walks without being exhausted I have some plans of getting started back to the old/new me. I'm aiming for powerwalking, maybe some swimming and hopefully some "styrketräning" but we'll see what I'll be able to squeeze in between playing with and feeding the little princess :)

  2. Heja heja! Be sure to really listen to your body when it comes to the swimming. My pelvis muscles and ligaments needed more than 9 months to fully recover and feel ok with swimming. I only breastfed for two weeks though and I'm not sure if that influences the pelvis as much as the whomb.

    It sounds like a nice plan though. Keep me posted on how it goes. :)

  3. Will do, and I might need some more tips, ideas and pointers later on when I'm starting to get more serious about it. But first I just need to get going again :)
