May 5, 2012

Tagged by Swede

So... Yeah... I don't normally like these types of things, BUT some of the questions that Swede posed are actually interesting and fun to answer. Apart from the first one.. that's a hard one..

Who inspires you the most?
See, I don't really get inspired by people. Not because I think they are crap, but just because I realize they have a very different life from me and different circumstances before I even get a chance of thinking: I want that too. I can admire them, but not get inspired to go in a same direction or do something similar. As an example Bonnie D.Stroir. I admire her for being able to turn derby into a living. But I don't want the same thing. 
In stead I actually get inspired by myself. Not in the arrogant "I'm great so I want to be me" way, but I often take time for myself. I am one of those people that need and crave that. You know, moments in which you just sit and let your mind wander, have conversations with yourself, convince non-present people of your ideas, that sort of thing. It's in those moments I get my ideas, my inspiration and my drive.

What is the wildest thing you have done?

I think that what ever counts as wildest kind of depends on where you are from. Not counting coffee, alcohol, nicotine and meds I have done three different kinds of drugs (loooong time ago), but when you're from Holland that's not that wild. I've been kicked out of a club in Florence for making out with a girl. Again, not so wild in most countries, but apparently really wild and illegal in Florence. I think the wildest has been my move to Sweden, strangely enough. I was a single mom with a girl of 5, gave up my rental place, packed everything I could fit in a large van, put my daughter on a plan with my mother and drove by myself in one go from The Hague to Eskilstuna. It was great! Empowering, free and scary as hell at the same time. It's a difficult decision when you don't just make it for yourself but for your child as well. It turned out to be the absolute best I could have ever done both for her and me.

Relationship to rollerderby/rollerskating?

Very much a love-hate-one at the moment. I want to play! But I can't just now and the question is if I ever will play at the level I want to play. Because I love the sport and the people I'm staying involved anyways, but it's hard. It's like when I worked at a horse riding school. You're in constant contact with it, because you love it, but you can't do any of the fun stuff yourself. 

What about kids?
I have one daughter who is 11 years old but acts as if she's 14 years old. She already picked her derby name for when she gets old enough to be allowed to play: strawberry killer!! And then she assumes derby stance and does a cute litle growl. In the mean time she wanted to have inlines instead of quads because that's what her friends have. She moved to Sweden with me when she was about to turn 6 and just yesterday her teacher told me that you wouldn't believe that Swedish is not her mother's tongue. We're getting into the stage of her life that I have been most scared of ever since she was born. She's a lot like me, which freaks me out. Yes I turned out ok, but the way there wasn't over roses.

Love or money?

Love, always. And not because that is what you are supposed to say. It's how I live my life. It's why I don't have the money to travel around Europe all the time and play derby everywhere. ;)

City or mountains?

In The Hague I lived a 10 minute bike ride away from the sandy beach to the Northsea. It's the only thing I miss from Holland. A sandy beach with salty waves and tides. No matter the season, there's always something nice to get at the beach.

Future goals? 

I want to become a doctor in philosophy, with the direction of physiotherapy. That's my goal. My dream is to then become THE link between movement/sport science and roller derby. Most sports have a scientific base behind them where you can find information on how to improve even more and how to prevent injuries. Whilst some (!) in roller derby have that knowledge, that knowledge is based on the science which is directed at OTHER sports. I want to create that knowledge based on science about roller derby.

And now it's time to be lame: I really like these questions, so I'm not gonna create any new ones. I will also not go out and actively tag people. I think that about 7 people might be reading this blogg, so if you've read it, consider yourself tagged. Unless You're Swede, because I won't tag back. ;)

Thanks for tagging me Swede, as I said, these were great questions to answer! :)

- Each tagged person must answer the 7 questions given to them by their "tagger” and post it on their blog.
- Then, choose 7 new people to tag and link them in your post.
- Create 7 new questions for the people you tag to answer.- Go to their page and tell them they’ve been tagged!
- Do not tag back to the person who has already tagged you.

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