Jan 22, 2012

Lateral jumping (Thanks Kamikaze Kitten!)

Today was a fun training!

It felt like we needed a fun break from all the bitch building and widowing we've been doing lately. We started with a short off skates warming up to music in which I took the piss out of how I learned to lead an aerobics class, then MADicken took us through half an hour of bodypump. Pretty sure I'm gonna feel that tomorrow, well done MADicken! You chose the right level and motivated at the right level as well. Not easily done for our very mixed bunch of girls. After that we went through the basic moves of the lateral leap which Kamikaze Kitten writes about here. We did this off skates at first as well to get a hang of the basic principle in the movement without the added difficulty of being on wheels, to teach our muscle memory how to do the jump, which muscle groups to activate in which order and with which speed. After that we tried it on skates with various degrees of success. Badass Babuska was really good at it! :) I wasn't, I always feel like a cow when trying new jumps or agility things.

The last part was the most interesting part of the training, I think. Due to level differences we split up in several groups where the advanced got to train a bit more on communication and team work in a three-wall and others were being helped one-on-one by skaters with colds or rehabilitating ankle sprains with practicing on specific skills they needed to improve on. I think this split up made it a very valuable moment.

I really wish we will soon become big enough to split up and have dedicated fresh meat and advanced training sessions. We need it, but as it is we are just too small. Sometimes I try to imagine why women wouldn't want to play this sport. The work outs are fun (even for people that "don't like sports"), it's tough, you get a great bunch of friends, a support network and really, it might look dangerous, but it really isn't more dangerous than any other team sport. So where are all these women in Luleå? Why do they stay away? Come on! We want you!

1 comment:

  1. Jag kan inte förstå hur man -inte- vill vara en del av roller derby. Det är ju som att tacka nej till att andas. Helt puckat! :)
