Jan 24, 2011

One leg blocking

Sooo.. I promised to write about yesterdays training. Yesterdays training was special in a way that I finally got to try out my balance while it got influenced by someone else's weight, momentum and skates, ie we got to bump into eachother. The day before I had just bought my gum shield so I was feeling extra tough. RAWR! Well.. maybe not so much since it's seethrough and I'm still borrowing my daughters cute flower covered helmet.

After having warmed up and doing some other exercises we ended up skating on one leg and swinging the other leg around to learn that we can trust either leg to carry and hold our weight. To put the exercise in context we turned it into a blocking exercise. Imagine skating straight ahead and you notice someone coming up to the side behind you. Let's say the right side. You then push off with left, put all your weight on your right skate and skate to the right hopefully bumping into that person shoulder to shoulder (while still on one skate) and pushing them out of their way so that they can't pass you. Now imagine you looking like me (1.87 m, boobs and ass to go with it) and doing that to someone who also has a strong frame (and has been playing this game for a couple of years already).... yeah. BadAzz Babuska is her name. Needless to say I was scared shitless!

Loved the bumping and pushing! Knowing that my partner could take it, I could go full out to see how much I could dish out after only three training sessions. Turns out I'm not easy to push out of the way, not even on skates. Haha, never thought I'd be genuinely happy about stating that. The hardest thing was to actually time the bump. Just imagine you are skating to the right on that one skate giving it your all, bracing yourself for impact, changing your weight to accept the impact without falling and then... no impact. I thought it was harder to stay upright then than at an actual impact.

Next training is tonight... I'm hoping to be on my own skates then (instead of a pair that is 1,5 sizes too small and aren't really derby skates). The shop in Ireland that I ordered from changed my package status to delivered last saturday, but I haven't seen the package yet.

Bruise count: +1 (see to the right)

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