Mar 21, 2011


Yesterday's training was fantastic! I was the only newby within almost a full team of oldies and wow, did that put me back in my place! I felt so lost when acting as blocker in the pack training. They are fast,  agile and have of course a huge insight in the game compared to my next to not existing knowledge of how to turn theory into practice. I got to jam one jam as well, but I couldn't even finish it. I was exhausted half way through and had to call it. Jamming through a pack made up of 50% newbies like me feels smooth most of the time, but now I got stopped in my tracks over and over again. I wasn't counting, but it felt like I needed three laps to get through the pack the second time and then I only got through because Lady Lovely Blocks was so nice to let me get out of the pack at the front. Or was she supposed to, was she on my team?

  • I got to call a jam by putting my hands on my hips. Oh yeah! (hihi)
  • Got my feet safely planted on the ground again, I am not as "pretty ok at this thing" as I thought I was.
  • The list of stuff I need to learn grew once again.
  • At least that list of stuff deals with game insight more than with technical things now.

I really wish all the newbies will get the chance to experience this so they realise how much we need to do to reach the goals of beating Stockholm and Malmö within the year and eventually reach the Slaughters Daughters goal of becoming the best in Sweden. Vi ken doo diis!!

Derby kisses,

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