Mar 3, 2011

Offensive, defensive and refs!

Some more scrimmaging today in the hall with the sticky floor. Because of the floor we did one minute jams (instead of two mins). But man, it's difficult to play both offensive and defensive at the same time. Did I finally understand how to occupy an opposing jammer to make room on the inside for my own jammer, does the other jammer fly by on the outside! Yes there are others in the team to take care of that, but the bad thing about it is that I didn't even realise it untill after our jammer passed and I started looking for the other one... oh.. she passed us? And that happened again and again. I guess I should be happy that I can skate AND occupy another blocker now.. and should just hang in there and hope that with time I will know how to do more than two things at once? Skate, defend, offend, pace, etc etc
A few weeks ago I could only skate... a bit.

It was really nice that we actually had two of our refs (Don't know their Derby names or even if they have them yet) there as well. It meant they got training on spotting what's happening and we learned that we used way too many elbows. You don't notice that stuff in the heat of the moment so it's really nice to have someone in the middle shouting it out at you the moment you commit the foul.

Time for bed now, long day tomorrow.

Derby kisses,


  1. So much tactics! I wonder if Malmö has a derby team, I'd like to watch a game (match? dont know the proper term) :)

  2. They do Mooms and it looks like they have a really awesome bout coming up on the 12th of March. They are called "Crime City Rollers" and are taking on Stockholm in Malmö. They say it's the first bout of Sweden which it isn't. It is however the first, I think, with a full ref team (MANY refs are needed for a bout). One of our own girls is currently training with Stockholm and I think she might be following them to the bout as well.

  3. When you go, try and find a spot next to someone who seems to know what's going on. It may come across very very chaotic at first.
