Jan 21, 2012


<insert swear words here>

See, when I got blisters from my running shoes last time I thought it was because they were new... After a while the blisters stayed away and all was well. Now after not having run in those shoes for about a year, the blister galore is back. I really don't want to buy other shoes. I might try out some insoles if it doesn't get better. But it f*cking hurts!!

Anyways... the result from today:

10x7, 8x(2x10, 1x6), 10x6 (170 - 155)

So my heart rate had gone down a bit while doing the same thing. I do not have the delusion that that is an indication of my fitness level going up though. It's more an indication of my body remembering how to do this running intervals thing and using the inhaled oxygen a bit more efficiently.

I don't feel good BTW... I think it's worth mentioning that running does indeed use different muscles than skating so in stead of feeling slightly tight in just my adductors and glutes I am now also feeling tight in the hamstrings and tensor. I can expect a nice muscle ache in my quads to be added to that tomorrow after doing one legged squats on a balancing board today (preventing ankle sprains). The strength training was nice.. I haven't lost as much strength compared to last time as I expected. And PA-LEASE can we do something about bulky, suntanned gym douche bags!? Usch.

So there you go. A not-so-good day. Those are important too. If it was easy, everybody would be super fit all the time. ;)


  1. next time, tejpa fötterna INNAN du tränar :)

  2. Yes! I thought of that and then forgot.. really have to remember next time.

  3. Jag får alltid blåsor på fötterna när jag använder ett par skor jag inte haft på länge, mina fötter verkar vara känsliga för det. Tejpa är bra, lika så kan jag rekommendera ett par bra löparstrumpor!

  4. Jo, jag har nog slarvat lite med strumporna. :(
